Why am I still Sore: Day 11-Info from a Friend

This is awesome to me. You know how people tell you, "You are not alone. If you feel a way someone else has felt the same way."
I did not feel this...At all... Really.
Everything I looked up told me I was crazy. When I talked to people they told me they did not know what I was talking about. But I knew. I knew.
This pain is not anything normal for me. I am not in pain all of the time. I do have pain in my hands but that is arthritis. My knees, back, hips, ankles, and feet do not always hurt. I weighed over 350 pounds and felt better than I feel now. I just get this way when I start a low carb diet. This time it did not kick in for way longer but now it feels like it here to stay.
But, there is someone else out there. He told me he had gone through the same thing. He told me it was the diet I was on and he went through THE SAME THING. He also gave me a piece of information.
He said, "I know what you are going through, I went through the same thing and..."
Carnitine helped him (I don't know if that is spelled correctly). This is a BCAA. He told me that he used it and it worked for him. So... I am going to try it too. On top of everything else.
I don't know about you but when you are in pain, you will eat the northbound end of a southbound cow if it makes you feel better. I think this is why the painkiller business is a little out of hand. Remember, this is me typing from my head. This is not science or facts. I just have had a couple of friends who have started out in pain, started taking drugs, and now they are not taking drugs anymore. Poor guys, every so often I think about them.
So I am going to try the carnitine. I hope it helps. AAANNNDDDD, I'm done for tonight. You have a good one.
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