Why am I So Sore: Day 13 - My Low Carb Diet

I have come across a lot of different remedies. Most of them I have come up with myself. Like I have said before, I have not seen a lot of people with the same problems I have now.
This only happens when I do a low carb diet. If I get off of the diet then I will slowly but surely start to get better. My knees will get better, my wrists will get better, and pretty much everything on my rickety body will start to get better. But...
I will also get fatter. Way fatter, like so fat you can't see my eyes if I smile, or if I frown, or if I just sit there and do absolutely nothing with my face. Yes, so fat you can never see my eyes. Like it is always sunny everywhere I go.
That is why I am trying to do this without going off of the low carb diet. I have lost a lot of weight. More than I have ever lost in my life. I was 350 and now I hover around 285-290. Thank you (people always say, "Wow, great job."
That is one of my biggest fears. No, not being told great job but gaining my weight back. It has taken a lot of sacrifices to lose this weight and I am not in the mood to go back to being super fat. I like just being fat.
So, the only thing I am going to do is drink more water. I need to drink more water. Although, I don't want to drink more water. I really don't like water. If you have a way I can like drinking more water let me know... Do you know what fish do in that stuff?
The only way I like drinking a lot of water is when I eat. It makes it not so bad. So I try to drink water with my meals and think I accidentally start drinking soda. Diet soda. Mostly Coke Zero Sugar. I know, stay from that stuff, it is poison in a can. I am weaning myself off mom 😆 but it is so good.
Well, that is all I have for tonight. Have a good night and I will see you tomorrow.
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