Why am I So Sore: Day 12 - Why are you walking funny?

It is like a squirl bootlegger. Drivin me nuts. Okay, I know, not real funny but I hope it is kind of funny.
I just hate it. It actually feels like I am doing leg day every day. It starts with 1,000 calf rasies and then 1,000 more and then 1,000 more. Then, after I am done with the calf rasies I go on to do something else that consists of legs but is totally useless and will never make my legs bigger but it will definately make me sore for the next One Trillion days.
So, with all of these imaginary toe-ups I have been doing I look like I am 90. Not like the old Magic Mountain guy 90 but like a real 90 year old. The one who wants to drink Ensure and play chess. Yeah, that one.
I just want to be normal again. Sorry for the crying, but really.
How is it that I can weigh 350 and be able to jog a mile. Like really... jog a mile. Not very fast but usually in about ten to twelve minutes. Or be under 300...290 and not be able to sit on the toilet. It is super weird to me. When I go to sit on the toilet I look like a gyminst holding himself up on the log thingy they use at the olympics. I guess on the bright side my arms and shoulders are getting a little stronger. For your viewing pleasure.
Sorry, I went there again but there is nothing like poop jokes and toilet humor.
Well, I guess that is all I have for tonight. Sorry, for all of the crying but I am just sick of walking around like a penguin with knees. Sorry no picture.
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