Why Am I So Sore: Day 8-Why Are You Limping?
Okay, Okay, I took the weekend off from blogging. It is okay... I think...Maybe??? Alright, I apologize. I just have a wife and kids I have to tend to. They're actually the reason I do this... and you, yeah you.
I want to be able to stay home and just do this, or go on a trip and do this, or go camping and do thisssss. It seems like I really want to do this, huh?
Well, I am back after a long weekend. I did learn something though, don't buy a Wahl massager. I don't really know which one. It does have the hot and cold massage, that is what really caught my eye, but don't buy it. Okay, maybe buy it if you just need a small vibratee massage, but not if you need to get down deep in the muscle. If you know of a massager please let me know, and please keep your mind out of the gutter. I know it is hard...see.
Back to blogging. Massage makes me feel the best the next day. Yes the next day. The day of, it is hell. Like charlie horse, muscle cramp, tickle till you cry, demons tryin' to rip open your skin hell. Ahhhh, but it is so worth it the next day.
The next day is... TODAY! I actually felt pretty good. I do have my limp I cant get rid of, for some reason, really, I can't even fake my way out of it, I hate it.
Just when you feel good, like you are walking on sunshine, knees hurting but not hurting too bad, that person comes up to you. You know, that ONE person, and asks you, "Why are you limping?"
It ALWAYS happens. You are on cloud nine and someone knocks you back down to cloud four...Screw them.
BUT, today I felt good. I was going to say amazing but that would be a lie. I guess I could say amazing compared to Saturday but not amazing compared to not being in pain at all and that is the goal.
To be on the keto diet, losing weight, and not being sore. I do know how to get out of pain. Stop doing keto, but my mamma didn't raise no quitter! Is that a double negative? I think so but you know what I mean.
I want to figure this out. That way I can help people in my same predicament because THAT is the goal.
Well, I am back after a long weekend. I did learn something though, don't buy a Wahl massager. I don't really know which one. It does have the hot and cold massage, that is what really caught my eye, but don't buy it. Okay, maybe buy it if you just need a small vibratee massage, but not if you need to get down deep in the muscle. If you know of a massager please let me know, and please keep your mind out of the gutter. I know it is hard...see.
Back to blogging. Massage makes me feel the best the next day. Yes the next day. The day of, it is hell. Like charlie horse, muscle cramp, tickle till you cry, demons tryin' to rip open your skin hell. Ahhhh, but it is so worth it the next day.

The next day is... TODAY! I actually felt pretty good. I do have my limp I cant get rid of, for some reason, really, I can't even fake my way out of it, I hate it.
Just when you feel good, like you are walking on sunshine, knees hurting but not hurting too bad, that person comes up to you. You know, that ONE person, and asks you, "Why are you limping?"
It ALWAYS happens. You are on cloud nine and someone knocks you back down to cloud four...Screw them.
BUT, today I felt good. I was going to say amazing but that would be a lie. I guess I could say amazing compared to Saturday but not amazing compared to not being in pain at all and that is the goal.
To be on the keto diet, losing weight, and not being sore. I do know how to get out of pain. Stop doing keto, but my mamma didn't raise no quitter! Is that a double negative? I think so but you know what I mean.
I want to figure this out. That way I can help people in my same predicament because THAT is the goal.
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