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Why Am I So Sore: Day 1-Keto Soreness
So, it is happening again. Every time I do a ketogenic diet this happens. I don't know why it happens, it just does. Maybe you know what I am talking about, or maybe you do.

MY BODY IS SORE!!!! It is kind of all over. My calves, my thighs, my knees, are all sore. They feel like they need to be stretched out for days. The only thing is, they feel like they are an old rubber band that has been left in the sun. I need to figure out how to fix it.
So, how am I going to fix it? Well, I don't really know. So I am going to start with a couple of things. First, I am going to start drinking water, a lot of it. I heard it might be a water deficiency, also known as dehydration. When you are on a keto diet or low carb diet, your body does not hold the water it should be holding. Actually, come to think of it, my body has always had trouble holding water in. Hmm, something to think about.
Second, I am going to start eating a lot more salt. Once again, when you are on a keto diet or low carb diet, your body does not hold in salt or water. So, without carbohydrates and without salt, my body is definitely not holding water. Which is going to bring me back to number one.
Lastly, I am going to start taking a multi-vitamin. I think these are pretty important too. It just goes back to not having any carbohydrates in my system. No carbohydrates mean my body does not hold water and because my body does not hold water means water flushes through my system and flushes everything out with it. Everything flushing out means good with salt, vitamins, and minerals.
So, long story short, I am going to start taking a multi-vitamin. I am going to start drinking at least a gallon of water, and I am going to start taking at least 5,000mg of salt a day.
AAAAANNNNNDDDD, I am going to start blogging daily, maybe daily. Okay, I hope to start blogging daily. I feel this is the best way to keep track of my progress and to see if things are working. It also keeps me accountable because if I have only one reader, I can't let them down.
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